Hackathon 48-Hour Schedule

  1. Registration & Check-In

    Participants will register and check in at the venue. Teams will be directed to designated seating areas.

  2. Orientation by SISTec

    The event will kick off with an official orientation presented by SISTec, introducing participants to the event, venue guidelines, and general information.

  3. Hackathon Briefing by Calm Chase

    Calm Chase will reveal the problem statements for the hackathon, covering five broad topics: Finance, Healthcare, Education, Automation, Smart City, and Banking. Suggestions will be provided to guide teams, but participants are encouraged to think of their own ideas. The entire hackathon process will be explained during this session.

  4. Lunch Break

    Teams will break for lunch and relax before the intensive brainstorming and development phases begin.

  5. Training by Marktine and Calm Chase

    A 4-hour training session covering the hackathon overview, judging criteria, available technologies and tools for chatbot design, and the design and development processes for chatbot systems.

  6. High Tea Break

    Teams will have a short break with refreshments to recharge before the brainstorming session.

  7. Brainstorming, Idea Finalization & Mentor Guidance

    Teams will brainstorm solutions to their chosen problem statements. Mentors will be available to guide each group, helping them refine their ideas and ensure that solutions are feasible and innovative.

  8. Dinner Break

    Teams will take a break for dinner and refresh before diving into the development stage.

  9. Development Phase

    Teams will start building their prototypes and working on their pitch presentations. This phase includes the development of a presentation deck, creation of a prototype, and business development strategy formulation. Overnight activities and morning refreshments will be available to keep energy levels high.

  10. Preliminary Round Presentations

    Teams present their solutions (pitch and prototype) to a group of mentors and judges in parallel sessions. Teams will be evaluated based on creativity, feasibility, technical execution, and business model.

  11. Preliminary Round Results Announcement

    The top 10 teams will be announced based on their performance in the preliminary round.

  12. Final Touch-Ups & Mentorship

    The top 10 teams will have a final chance to improve their presentations and prototypes. Mentors will continue to provide guidance, helping them address any feedback or loopholes identified during the preliminary round.

  13. Final Round Presentations

    Each team will present their refined solution to a panel of judges, who will assess solution impact, scalability, presentation skills, and response to questions.

  14. Final Results Announcement

    The final results will be announced, with winning teams recognized for their exceptional work and awarded prizes.

  15. Awards & Closing Ceremony

    The event will conclude with a closing ceremony, during which all participants will be appreciated for their hard work, and final words of encouragement will be delivered by the organizing teams.

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Sagar Institute of Science & Technology (SISTec), Opposite International Airport, Gandhi Nagar, Bhopal 462036 (M.P.)



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